Tuesday 21 June 2011

Coursework Options for A2

- Looking at the two coursework briefs available to you for A2 next year, (music video/short film) which are you thinking of doing? Why?

Based on myself, I am slightly leaning more to the music video option for the A2 coursework. Being a huge music fan, when I listen to a song prior to seeing the video I often visualise some sort of narrative in my mind. I believe this will be an advantage for me in this piece of coursework. Furthermore, the music video option includes creating a DVD cover for the video and a magazine advert promoting the album, which relates back to my GCSE Media Studies coursework, where I designed a campaign advertising a rock festival, which is somewhat related and may help me.

I can see drawbacks and potential problems in making a small film, as there could be complications with the script, actors, storyline etc. I would want my media coursework to be authentic, realistic and believable. Admittedly, I can also see similar possible complications in making a music video, but I believe the soundtrack of the music will perhaps ground the structure of the film, which will help in terms of editing.

My initial thoughts for making a video are that I want to display some sort of narrative, linked to the song itself. Although I do not know what song I intend to use yet, I will look at the potential of several songs, and maybe create some ideas as to what I could show in the music video, if I was to make one for that song. However, all plans for the piece of coursework are quite vague at this current moment in time, as I am not entirely sure who I will be working with.

From past media experiences, I have learnt that keeping to a production schedule is essential, and is definitely something on which I intend to work on for the A2 media coursework. In addition, I would like to be creative in terms of editing, so familiarising myself further with the software available will be crucial.

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